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SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS IN MAINSTREAM SCHOOLS Effective parental engagement for pupils with SEND


Questions for reflection
• What tips, supports and resources are shared with parents? Are they personalised?
• When do parents of children with SEND have communication with school? Is the SENCo available at our
parents’ evenings, as well as the class teacher/s?
• Are personalised messages to parents linked to learning and celebrating successes?
• Are our school communications with parents based upon the best available evidence? How are the
effectiveness of our communications with parents monitored?
• Are parents signposted to the Local Offer** so they are aware of wider supports for themselves and their child?
• In what way does our school support parents who might have learning needs themselves?
• Are home visits considered for younger children with greater needs?
• How does parent voice come through for children with an EHC plan? How is this shared across our school?
• How does our school include parents at points of transition for the child? For example, new schools, new
teachers/teaching assistants, new Key Stages?
• How does our school encourage attendance at parent events where engagement is low?
• How does our school communicate shared reading with parents?
• How do we encourage summer reading with parents?


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