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Ten takeaways from the Girls Not Brides Global Meeting

Photo: Graham Crouch/Girls Not Brides (From Author Site URL)
Date: 11 July 2018 | By: | Story Source: Girls Not Brides (Blog) ~ Go to Original Article


It was a joy to see almost 500 activists from over 70 countries come together at the recent Girls Not Brides Global Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, all working to end child marriage. There were so many exciting and informative discussions at the meeting. In the coming weeks, my colleagues and I at the Girls Not Brides secretariat will be reflecting on these, synthesizing learnings and reporting back to you on next steps. However, in the meantime, I wanted to share with you a few of the key points that immediately struck me as I left Kuala Lumpur:

1. Collaborative action has impact – but the ‘how’ of partnership building is just as important as the ‘what’. We heard again and again about how working collectively at local, national, regional and global levels has led to


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