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Leave no one behind: equity and inclusion in education at UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok (UNESCO Bangkok)


What is Equity and Inclusion in Education?

Each child, regardless of their background or ability, has the right to receive an equitable and quality education. “Inclusion” involves transformation of all physical and learning aspects of the school, such as curriculum, pedagogy, learning strategies, assessment, and teacher training; and creates an education system that responds to the needs of all children in a common learning environment. “Equity” in education ensures that access to, and opportunities for, children, adolescents, youth and adults in education are just and fair by reduction/elimination of disparities based on a child’s background.

Inclusion and equity are core parts of quality education and contribute to positive impact on the learning outcomes of all learners, especially for those most affected by the learning crisis, such as disadvantaged and marginalized communities, vulnerable groups, and those who have never been to school or pushed out of school early.

Read the full report on the UNESCO Digital Library website.

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