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Cambodia invests in the early years to build a strong foundation for learning

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Date: 30 Oct 2018 | by: Liesbeth Roolvink, UNESCO | Story Source: GPE ~ Go to Original Article

Last June, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in Cambodia launched its 3rd education program financed by a US$20.6 million grant from the Global Partnership for Education.

The grant brings together complementary efforts from the ministry, UNESCO and UNICEF, as well as other education development partners including USAID and RTI.

The program supported by the GPE grant is called “Strengthening Teacher Education Programs in Cambodia” (STEPCam) and supports the ministry’s efforts to ensure quality education through continuous professional development for teachers, in particular in the early grades.

The program will assist the ministry in developing a sustainable system to strengthen teacher skills, in line with its Teacher Policy Action Plan. These investments are expected to…


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