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What Have We Learned About The Learning Crisis?, FLS News Issue 893, Tue May 2019

“Change is the end result of all true learning.”  ― Leo Buscaglia [more quotes]
What Have We Learned About The Learning Crisis?
🕛 5 Mins  |  Learning Outcomes
That learning in many developing countries is in crisis has been well established…..
🕛 2 Mins  |  Tools
Sometimes educational practices need to change either because they are not working, because approaches to education have……
5 Ways Technology Can Accelerate Student Learning

🕛 3 Mins  | ICT in Education
A new report from What Works Clerainghouse digs into how technology can support….
Future Of Education And Future Of Work: Do They Match?
🕛 4 Mins  |  Tools
The future of work is unfolding before us. Digitalization, distant work, employee…..
Malaysia: Continuous Lifelong Education Should Be The Goal
🕛 1 Min  |  Teachers
The quality of education in Malaysian schools may not necessarily be boosted by teachers….
Job Posting     New!
Location: Sierra Leone, Africa
Closing Date: 29 May 2019
   What’s Up?      New!
in Hangzhou, China

on 9-11 October 2019

FLS News Flash is brought to you by the Lifelong Learning and Literacy Team, Educational Innovation and Skills Development Division, UNESCO Bangkok, with the generous support of Educate a Child.

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