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Everything you always wanted to know about SDG 4 indicators… but didn’t know who or how to ask!

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Date: 11 Jul 2018 | By:  Silvia Montoya, UNESCO Institute for Statistics  | Story Source: Global Partnership for Education ~ Go to Original Article

New tools from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics chart a course for education stakeholders

New tools by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics aim to promote a better understanding of the production and use of SDG 4 data among stakeholders.

This blog was cross-published by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and Norrag

One constant dilemma for researchers and statisticians is how to translate intricate technical processes, often emerging from intense scrutiny and discussion, into measures that are comprehensible and actionable for those who were not part of those discussions from the beginning.

What seems clear to those involved may seem baffling to those who have are coming to it for the first time. This holds true for monitoring progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on education, which calls for a quality education for every child, right through primary and secondary education, by 2030.

Making sense of SDG 4 indicators

So much is being demanded of stakeholders across the global education community. They are expected to monitor progress on a range of new indicators related to the quality of


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