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Equitable Education Hub is a platform for education changemakers to polish their knowledge, learn, exchange tools and connect to improve equity, quality, inclusion, and equality in education.
This Website has been developed by the Lifelong Learning and Literacy Team, Educational Innovation and Skills Development, UNESCO Bangkok.
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Distance studying and working is on the rise and, especially now with the constant threat of lockdown, learning how to master it more pressing than ever. A team of researchers from the Research Group in Education and ICT (EDUL@B) at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), led by Montse Guitert, has conducted a study to improve collaborative learning online and has redesigned an online course that overcomes the principal challenges.
The data gathered in the American Journal of Distance Education show the success of the app and validate the design using qualitative and quantitative methods. The researchers emphasize the key elements in fostering cooperation among students and conclude that the five factors can be extrapolated to other learning contexts in distance higher education.