In the era of remote learning and social distancing, children are missing out on opportunities to develop important interpersonal skills. The decline in socialization in 2020 means they’ve been getting less practice with problem-solving, communication and other types of social-emotional learning.
One particularly important skill that needs work: the art of disagreeing.
“When kids learn to disagree without resorting to an explosion or a tantrum, they develop crucial skills for having friendships that don’t fall apart and for being part of a creative team with peers on any projects, sports, leadership committees, or clubs that they want to join,” said Leonard Felder, a licensed psychologist and author of “We See It So Differently.”
“Knowing how to listen calmly with respect and then to brainstorm on solutions that include all the points of view is something that kids definitely can learn, but it takes practice and gentle guidance on how to cool down the fierce ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ feelings that flare up in all of us,” he added.
In the era of remote learning and social distancing, children are missing out on opportunities to develop important interpersonal skills. The decline in socialization in 2020 means they’ve been getting less practice with problem-solving, communication and other types of social-emotional learning.
One particularly important skill that needs work: the art of disagreeing.
“When kids learn to disagree without resorting to an explosion or a tantrum, they develop crucial skills for having friendships that don’t fall apart and for being part of a creative team with peers on any projects, sports, leadership committees, or clubs that they want to join,” said Leonard Felder, a licensed psychologist and author of “We See It So Differently.”
“Knowing how to listen calmly with respect and then to brainstorm on solutions that include all the points of view is something that kids definitely can learn, but it takes practice and gentle guidance on how to cool down the fierce ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ feelings that flare up in all of us,” he added.