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Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), social and emotional learning (SEL) is “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions”.


SEL encourages trusting relationships, a sense of purpose and belonging, skill development, and the contribution of learners to their communities. Within the contexts of SEL, schools and communities can support their people to reach their fullest potentials. It promotes opportunities and environments that support lifelong learning and equity in education.

There are studies conducted with tens of thousands of students that suggested that SEL strengthened students’ academic success. 2015 research found that there is a $11 return on every $1 spent on SEL programming.

Read more about the economic values of SEL here.

This section will take you to explore more about SEL definition, framework, significance, the recent development of partnerships in SEL, and the effective systematic implementation. It provides the viewers with research, resources, and updates about SEL from the classroom to the policy levels. The audiences can pick up and apply to their works on equitable education.

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Arts for transformative education: a guide for teachers from the UNESCO AssociatedSchools Network

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SDG 4 scorecard progress report on national benchmarks: focus on teachers

The Big conversation: handbook to address violence against women in and through the media

UNESCO laureate Pakistan Alliance for Girls Education helps girls overcome challenges to go to school

Youth perspectives on refugee education

The right to education: what’s at stake in Afghanistan? A 20-year review

G7 global objectives on girls’ education: Baseline report

Leave no one behind: gender equality in Transforming Education Summit nationalcommitments

Empowering minds: a round table on Generative AI and Education in Asia-Pacific

Teachers and technology: advocacy brief

Key Resources

Learn about the fundamentals of SEL here

Learn more from economic perspective here

Levels of Education

Vocational Education
Secondary Education
Primary Education
Non-Formal Education
Higher Education
Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education