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Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education: A Template (UNESCO)

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Date: 10 Aug 2018 | by: UNESCO | Story Source: UNESCO ~ Go to Original Article

Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education: A Template is a response to a demand from teacher educators and teachers for practical information and tips on how they can embed Global Citizenship Education (GCED) into their teaching practices. This publication presents a conceptual framework for transformative education, illustrates the art of teaching GCED with examples of creative pedagogies, provides exemplars to demonstrate how GCED can be integrated into different subject areas, and refers readers to a rich list of resources.

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Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education: A Template
Banngkok: UNESCO Bangkok, 2018, 68p.
ISBN 978-92-9223-605-2 (Print version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-606-9 (Electronic version)


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