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GPE: Tackling the learning crisis head on through efforts to bolster literacy

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Date: 8 Sep 2018 | by: Ramya Vivekanandan, GPE Secretariat, and Talia de Chaisemartin, GPE Secretariat | Story Source: GPE ~ Go to Original Article

Worldwide, the international education community has been speaking of a ‘learning crisis’ for some time now. Based on figures released last year by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), we know that 6 out of 10 children and adolescents worldwide (617 million in total) are not learning a minimum in reading and mathematics.

Looking specifically at reading, the data also reveals that out of the 387 million primary school-age children across the world who are unable to read proficiently, 262 million (or 68%) are in school, while there are also about 137 million adolescents of lower secondary school age who are unable to read proficiently even though they are in school.

Furthermore, millions of youth and adults are not able to engage in the social and economic life of their communities and nations due to a lack of basic skills, including the ability to read or…


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