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Keep up with the latest news, stories, and movements towards inclusive and equitable education.

Inclusion in early childhood care...
Inclusion in education must start in the early years when...
What Makes Me? Core Capacities...
This report explores how ‘core capacities’ – or cornerstones of...
CRNA Collaborative Research for Exploring...
Two years have passed since the outbreak of COVID-19 starting...
Social and emotional learning must...
Like other skills such as language and cognition, which begin...
An Early Evaluation of a...
This paper evaluates the early impact of an early childhood...

Inclusion in early childhood care and education : Brief on inclusion in education

What Makes Me? Core Capacities for Living and Learning

CRNA Collaborative Research for Exploring Factors Nurturing “Happy and Resilient” Children among Asian Countries

Social and emotional learning must be a priority for transformed early education

An Early Evaluation of a HighScope-Based Curriculum Intervention in Rural Thailand