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Teachers’ Voices: The Challenges They Face And How GPE Supports Them

Teachers from GPE partner countries talk about how the GPE support is improving their working conditions, making it possible for more children to learn.

Support to teachers and quality teaching is a priority for GPE. In more than 80 partner countries, we aim to improve the quality of education by empowering teachers and ensuring that they are well trained, qualified and motivated.

Teaching quality plays a critical role in better learning for students. Here are a few ways we support teachers and what they say.

67 million more children have access to quality teachers since 2002.

GPE support teachers through training and professional development.

Aidana Azatovna

“The training methods were really useful for us; the children are more engaged and want to be involved in class thanks to these methods.”

Adina Azatovna
Kindergarten teacher, Kyrgyz Republic

Read the full article on the Global Partnership for Education website.

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