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Technology Alone Won’t Make Your Kids Smarter

Story Source: Engadget ~ Go to Original Article

Ever plop your kids in front of some purportedly educational screen-based thing because you need 15 minutes of peace? Maybe, like me, you say to yourself, “It’s 15 minutes. It’s an educational app. It’s not so bad. I just need to start dinner.” There’s nothing wrong with this, in theory. As a parent of two small children, I’ve learned lots of things. One thing that’s helped: Kids love media.

Apps. Shows. Games. You name it — if it’s screen-based, kids (and their parents) readily engage. There’s a lot of media out there that claims to be “educational,” a term I secretly think marketers use to make the likes of me feel less guilty when we JUST. NEED. 15 MINUTES. OF PEACE. (Or an hour. Sometimes we need an hour…………..

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