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The Reading Revolution will be Televised: The Use of AniBooks in India

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Date: 8 Sep 2018 | by: | Story Source: Harvard Economics Review ~ Go to Original Article

Sami Kumari was able to read two-syllable words, in an Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in Hindi.  She was not able to read short sentences pitched at Grade 1 level, much less, a simple paragraph at Grade 2 level. That would not be a problem, except, she was about to complete Grade 3. Like many of her peers, in a government school in Mordu village in Abu Road, Rajasthan, she was falling behind in reading, one of the most fundamental skills on which almost all learning in school, and access to information in life, depends.

Assuming that a minimum Grade 2 threshold of reading is necessary, it is a critical question whether Sami will be able to do so by Grade 5. Going by Pratham’s Annual Status of Education Reports (ASER), conducted over a decade, the chances of Sami reading at…


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