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UNESCO launches video tutorials on how to build a learning city

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Date: 24 Oct 2018 | by: UNESCO | Story Source: UNESCO ~ Go to Original Article

Learning cities around the world are taking action to enhance quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all in their communities.

To support their efforts, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning has just launched a series of video tutorials, available in all UN official languages, which provide insights for policy-makers, city leaders, urban planners and education experts on how to successfully build a learning city.A learning city inspires, guides and supports people to engage in lifelong learning, throughout their lives and beyond classrooms. It strives to make education and learning accessible to all at the workplace, in families and in public spaces, and draws on the potential of digital technologies.

Cities around the world have developed diverse learning initiatives based on their local cultures and conditions; however, common areas of action do exist. Planning, involving stakeholders, celebrating learning and ensuring it is accessible to everyone constitutes fundamental dimensions of a learning city strategy along with monitoring progress and securing sustainable funding. In view of supporting such strategies, UNESCO, with the support of partners*, has developed seven animated video tutorials to equip policy-makers, urban planners and local education leaders with the knowledge they need to design and implement a learning city initiative. Additional videos provided by members of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities complement the tutorials and provide examples of best practice.

This set of video tutorials will support learning city leaders to get their initiatives off the ground and make lifelong learning a reality for all.

*Cork Learning City Lead Partners, Think Visual, Center for Regional Cooperation for Adult Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CREFAL), Melitopol, UNESCO Office in Beirut, and Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences (BAES).

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Full Press Release

Watch in: English, Français, Español, Русский, العربية , 中文


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