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Equitable Education Hub is a platform for education changemakers to polish their knowledge, learn, exchange tools and connect to improve equity, quality, inclusion, and equality in education.
This Website has been developed by the Lifelong Learning and Literacy Team, Educational Innovation and Skills Development, UNESCO Bangkok.
UNESCO does not warrant that the information, documents and materials contained in its website is complete and correct and shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use.
What day is it? What’s the schedule? Are we doing remote, hybrid, or in-person school this week? For some of us, the way school looks has changed frequently this year, to the point where our heads are spinning. Our routines, schedules, ways of teaching lessons, and expectations—of both our students and ourselves—are in a constant state of flux; any day can feel like the first day of school, over and over again. This can be particularly challenging for those of us who teach young children, who thrive on consistent structure and routines.
The day will come when all teachers return to the classroom for hybrid or full in-person learning. If you are one of the many early childhood teachers taking first steps back into the classroom after teaching remotely, you may be wondering how you will establish routines, set up norms, and strive to create a community mid-year.