Our shared goal is to achieve equity in education, reach the remaining and most vulnerable groups with no access to education, and support quality improvements in learning for all people.
- Situation in Asia-Pacific
A brief overview of education situation in the region
Out-of-School Children
Illiterate Youth
Budget for OOSCY
(out-of-school children and youth)

All key resources for policymakers, education leaders, and educators
We aim to reach the unreached and promote equity, quality, inclusion, and flexibility in formal, informal, and non-formal education, as well as lifelong learning and global citizenship.
You will be able to gain new knowledge and expertise, connect with the community of practitioners and lead changes in education to provide equitable opportunities.
Our main targets of development are learners in crises, minorities, migrants, refugees, girls, rural students, and learners with special needs.
- Steps for Changemakers
Join the Community of Practitioners
Follow our channels and join our upcoming conference in October 2022 or engage with the Equitable Education Alliance (EEA)!
- Our Latest Updates
Keep up with the latest news, stories, and movements towards inclusive and equitable education.
- Story of Out-of-School Children in Southeast Asia by UNESCO Bangkok