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Teacher & Educator Development

Teachers and educators, both in formal and non-formal education, in private and public schools are the true changemakers and champions of brighter future.


Teachers are the most influential school-based factor on students’ performance and achievement. Enormous expectations are laid to this group of experts, without much support or freedom to implement. Teachers, educators, are the interactive agents, operating in variety of learning environments, responsible translating the curriculum, learning materials, contents, and underlying values into a learning experience in collaboration with the learners. Teachers are expected to update their knowledge constantly, adopt new contents, approaches (inclusive, culturally aware, global citizenship, sustainable, peace etc.), tools (digitalization) and develop new methods for better learning. Same time teachers would need to step out of their traditional teacher’s role as the only one in the classroom who has the resources and the knowledge of the learning contents, and instead adopt student centric approach as learning instructor or guide – someone who’s offering resources, supporting development of transversal skills and guidance to students learn skills for life wide learning and 21st century skills.

“Inclusive curricula need to be relevant, flexible and responsive to needs. Evidence from citizen-led assessments in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa highlighted large gaps between curriculum objectives and learning outcomes. When curricula cater to more privileged students and certain types of knowledge, implementation inequality between rural and urban areas arises, as a curriculum study of primary mathematics in Uganda showed. In Australia, 19% of students receive adjustments to the curriculum. Curricula should not lead to dead ends in education but offer pathways for continuous education opportunities (GEM).”

There are 70 million teachers in primary and secondary school globally, of which 56% in the Asia-Pacific. Lack of qualified educators, in-service training and gender disparities are few of many systemic challenges in the education field, and hence targets of SDG 4 (c). In order to ensure quality education for all, there is a need for 69 million new teachers by 2030, which of 48.6 million to replace the retiring professionals. Pupil-teacher ratio is still too high in many Asia-pacific countries and expanding access to secondary education will create challenge for supply of qualified education professionals. Profession is very gendered: teachers are mainly women, but educational leaders mainly men. Especially in the rural areas, there is lack of female teachers, which might affect girls access to education in rural areas and only few men in the profession, do not offer enough role models for boys or culturally or linguistically diverse role models.

It seems like there is not only serious problems with education policy, financing and curriculum but also on the teacher recruitment, retention, remuneration, working conditions and school governance. In order to increase the access to quality education, same time developing transformative education, serious investments to professional development and skills teachers and educational leaders need to be done. These development opportunities will make the profession more attractive and retain the talent.

“A body of evidence now shows that a number of factors impact both positively and negatively on teacher quality or performance. These include: initial education, CPD and qualifications; class sizes and PTRs; employment conditions, including rewards and incentives; working conditions and environment; access to resources; respect for teachers and their perceived social and professional status; involvement in decisions which affect them; and professional autonomy.”

In this page, we’ll be sharing general content related to teachers and educators, teacher policy, development and curriculum. If you are looking for something you can apply in the classroom, we have collected an educator Toolbox with practical tips, which can be found here.

The shortage of teachers is a global crisis: How can we curb it?

SDG 4 scorecard progress report on national benchmarks: focus on teachers

Well-being in the classroom: The What, Why and How of fostering social and academic learning

Teachers as architects of change in education policy dialogue

Teachers’ Voices: The Challenges They Face And How GPE Supports Them

Teachers from GPE partner countries talk about how the GPE support is improving their working

Preparing teachers to deliver hybrid education: a framework for Latin America and theCaribbean – UNESCO Digital Library

Improving the quality and impact of distance learning for teachers depends on changingmindsets

Making the Most of the First 5 Minutes

Digital citizenship in Asia-Pacific: translating competencies for teacher innovation andstudent resilience

The unheard impact: technology and the teaching profession

Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier. How do educationsystems enable instructional leaders to be effective?

Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier. What do effectiveinstructional leaders at the middle tier do?

Perplexing Students, Prepared Teachers

Coach: Helping Countries Accelerate Learning by Improving In-Service Teacher Professional Development

Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier

Strong Voices in Teaching

HGSE's new Teaching and Teacher Leadership master's program launches, with immediate classroom impact and stories

Teach in Action: Three Case Studies of Teach Implementation

The Shortage Of Teachers Is A Global Crisis: How Can We Curb It?

Learner-centred teaching in technical and vocational education and training: perspectives and reviews of six Asia-Pacific Countries

GENTLE wraps up: time to value interests over stereotypes

Key Resources

Teacher Policy development guide

Characteristics of effective teacher education in low- and middle-income countries

Crises sensitive teacher policy (draft)

Learning through play

Global Citizenship Education

Levels of Education

Vocational Education
Secondary Education
Primary Education
Non-Formal Education
Higher Education
Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education